Thursday 31 December 2009

Global Investment House - Shareholders' OGM to Approve Restructuring

GIH announced on the Kuwait Stock Exchange that it would hold a shareholders' ordinary general meeting on 12 January to approve the following in connection with its recent restructuring agreement:
  1. Transfer of all its non real estate assets to Global Macro Fund in Bahrain.
  2. Transfer all its real estate assets to Mushaa Islamic Real Estate Company (Kuwait)
  3. Approve the pledge of all assets to the lenders.
As discussed below, this will be a critical meeting as this is the last key (legal) step to finalizing  the restructuring agreement struck by GIH with its creditors.  Failure by the OGM to approve these items would be a serious set-back to the restructuring.  One that I don't think is likely.

Here's the KSE announcement (Arabic only).

[8:30:16]  ِ.اجتماع الجمعية العمومية العادية لبيت الاستثمار العالمي (جلوبل)‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية بأن الجمعية العمومية
العادية لشركة بيت الاستثمار العالمي (جلوبل) سوف تنعقد
يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 12-01-2010 في تمام الساعة 12.30‏
ظهرا في مقر الشركة حيث سيتم خلالها مناقشة ما يلي:‏
ِ1- الموافقة على تحويل ملكية اصول الشركة من استثمارات غير عقارية
مملوكة بشكل مباشر او غير مباشر للشركة الى صندوق جلوبل
ماكرو فند المؤسس في مملكة البحرين والمملوك بالكامل لشركة
تابعة مملوكة بالكامل بطريق مباشر وغير مباشر لشركة بيت
الاستثمار العالمي (ش.م.ك.مقفلة) جلوبل وذلك طبقا لاتفاقيات
اعادة هيكلة ديون الشركة.‏
ِ2- الموافقة على تحويل ملكية اصول الشركة من استثمارات
عقارية الى شركة مشاع الاسلامية العقارية (ش.م.ك.مقفلة)‏
والمملوكة بالكامل بطريق مباشر وغير مباشر لشركة بيت
الاستثمار العالمي (ش.م.ك.مقفلة) جلوبل وذلك طبقا لاتفاقيات
اعادة هيكلة ديون الشركة.‏
ِ3- الموافقة على رهن اصول الشركة من استثمارات عقارية
وغير عقارية لصالح دائني الشركة وذلك طبقا لاتفاقيات اعادة
هيكلة ديون الشركة.‏
علما بأن هذه التوصية تخضع لموافقة الجمعية العمومية والجهات المختصة.‏

This news item confirms the earlier AlQabas article.  Relevant post here.

This announcement also confirms earlier comments on the restructuring - that it is a fairly tight agreement which means a fundamental change in GIH's business.  Basically GIH has mortgaged its "shop" to the creditors.

Also the requirment for the OGM is reflective of general legal practice in the GCC - enusring that shareholders agree to fundamental business decisions.  This prevents a later legal challenge from a shareholder.   

What this means is that technically the restructuring is not yet finalized.  There is a small probability that shareholders may refuse to agree.  In which case a very key element of the deal - the collateral -  is overturned.   That, I suspect, is a small probability.  But one to watch nonetheless.

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